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Monday, April 5, 2010

20 minute Risotto

My love affair with Risotto started 4-5 years ago during a business trip to Rome. Ever since I have been trying to prefect a risotto recipe that will work for me and with ingredients I can easily find in Egypt. After much experimentation I have reached the optimal 20 minute risotto recipe. Bon Appetite !

1 chopped onion
1 medium sized tomato, grated
3/4 cup rice
3/4 liter hot broth
Grated Parmesan, Emmental, or Picarino Cheese

In a hot skillet, saute onions in olive oil. When the onions turn translucent add rice and continue sauteing. When rice turns opaque, add grated tomatoes and keep stirring. Once the rice absorbs all the tomato liquid add a ladle of broth and stir. Once the rice absorbs all the liquid, turn down the heat and add another ladle of broth and continue stirring.

Keep adding one ladle of broth at a time while constantly stirring the mixture. In approximately 20 minutes all the broth will be added and the rice will be cooked. With the heat still on low, grate any type of cheese you like into the mixture. Add the amount of cheese to taste. Combine the cheese into the mixture and turn off the heat. Leave the risotto to rest for a few minutes then serve.

This amount can serve 3 - 4 people.

  • The taste of the risotto depends greatly on the broth being added, therefore use a broth that you would enjoy eating as is.
  • Moreover, don't wash the rice, as this removes a lot of the natural starch that causes the creaminess of the risotto.
  • Don't forget that the mentioned cheese variety are salty, therefore use unseasoned broth. Add salt and pepper after cooking the risotto and letting rest for a few minutes.

Additional Options:
  • Saute mushrooms and celery with the onions for added flavor.
  • With the last ladle of broth, add sweet peas / corn / sauteed shrimp for extra nutrition
  • Garnish with chopped chives or cilantro